Do You Like Cake?

Or cookies, or candy or rice crispy treats or….

Are you stressed about finding a wedding cake? Do you not like cake all together? Well the good news is, you don’t have to have cake.

With so many options and so many preferences, it’s hard to find something that all of your guests are going to love. Or maybe you and your partner disagree on flavors or dessert choice. What do you do then?

In today’s modern wedding world, you can have everything from cake to a donut wall.

Maybe your partner doesn’t like sweets at all. Have you heard of a french fry bar? Because we have! A french fry bar allows you to have a fun treat for your guests, without any of the sugar.

There are so many options for special treats after the wedding dinner, you don’t necessarily have to have cake. But if you do, you can choose the cake of your dreams, or have a cutting cake only and serve sheet cake. You’re guests will never know!

So, let there be cake! Or fries!


Cheers to an Unforgettable Celebration


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